Dark ages of warcraft
Dark ages of warcraft

dark ages of warcraft

Squire of the Silver Hand - Only gained by restoring Lordaeron City.Only gained through the "Argent Dawn" event. Argent Knight - Basic Knight, slightly weaker than Scarlet Knight.Crimson Bodyguard - Only creatable at the Scarlet Bastion Headquarters.Grand Inquistor - Can only be created at the Scarlet Monastry.Inquistor - Lost during the "Argent Dawn" event.Scarlet Legionnaire - Limited number available.Crusader/Argent Crusader - Basic Footman."Darothan's Cleansing": If the Lordaeron Capital Palace is retaken, Darothan can be purified, replacing his level 10 ability and allowing you to revive Mograine when he is killed."The Fall of the Greymane Wall." : If you destroy the Undercity and Zul'Aman, when you bring a hero near Genn Greymane he will join you."The Risen shall rise." : If you get Darothan to level 10, he will be able to shed his human form and become Balnazzar.If you destroy the Stratholme Slaughterhouse, Stratholme will be restored. "Lordaeron reborn!" : If you destroy the Undercity, Lordaeron City will be restored and you will gain new units.When you pick it up with Darion, you will gain Tirion, the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade. is now!" : If you kill the Death Knight Mograine, he will drop the Corrupted Ashbringer. You will also lose a number of units, and gain Light's Hope Chapel. You will lose Isillien, Dathrohan and Abbendis, and you will gain Lord Maxwell Tyrosus, Darion Mograine (Alive) and Argent Officer Pureheart. If that happens, you can type "-Argent Dawn". "The Argent Dawn rises." : If Alexandros Mograine is killed, he will spawn as a Scourge (Purple) unit.Balnazzar (Only gained through the "Risen" event).Through the "Argent Crusade/Ebon Blade" event). Highlord Darion Mograine (Death Knight, only gained.

dark ages of warcraft

Grants +10 Agility and allows you to do a Chain Heal (Only through the "Argent Crusade/Ebon Blade" event).

  • Highlord Tirion Fordring - Unique weapon: The Ashbringer.
  • Darion Mograine (Alive, only gained through the "Argent Dawn" event).
  • Argent Officer Pureheart (Only gained through the "Argent Dawn" event).
  • Lord ] (Only gained through the "Argent Dawn" event).
  • The Argent Dawn/Argent Crusade/Ebon Blade
  • Grand Inquistor Isillien (Lost during the "Argent Dawn" event).
  • High General Brigitte Abbendis - (Lost during the "Argent Dawn" event).
  • Grand Crusader Saiden Darothan - At level 10 can turn into Balnazzar (Lost during the "Argent Dawn" event).
  • Grants +10 Agility and allows you to do a Chain Heal (Once killed cannot be revived).
  • Alexandros Mograine, the Ashbringer (Highlord of the Crusade) - Unique weapon: The Ashbringer.
  • List of Heroes The Scarlet Crusade/Scarlet Onslaught

    dark ages of warcraft

  • 1.2 The Argent Dawn/Argent Crusade/Ebon Blade.
  • 1.1 The Scarlet Crusade/Scarlet Onslaught.

  • Dark ages of warcraft